Sunday, 15 February 2015

Richard Giannini, Entrepreneur, Australia

As many of you know I am an aspiring entrepreneur. I linked up on Facebook with an entrepreneurial website called "Entrepreneurs With Vision" where Richard is the founder. Our mutual interest for watches got us talking and when I launched this blog I was certain that an experienced entrepreneur like Richard could really benefit the readers of this blog. Sharing his wisdom and experience is a great way for us to learn something whilst also getting to know another face on this globe. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur then I really recommend you to link up with the Facebook group Entrepreneurs With Vision" and don't be shy to ask questions to anybody as everyone at one stage was a newby, and if you are an experienced Entrepreneur then I recommend you to give back and help giving new entrepreneurs vision. In the end it is all about give and take in this world. Thank you for giving back to us Richard.

What is your name? My name is Richard Giannini
Where do you come from? Originally Perth, Australia, but have lived in the United States for 14 years and am an dual citizen. 
As a little child, do you remember what was your dream job? Actually I wanted to work on new technologies for cars. I ended up getting a Computer Science degree and quickly moved to running my own businesses.

What is your profession now? I am an Entrepreneur in franchising and online businesses. 

Are you happy with your work life? I enjoy a really good balance now in my life with a lot of flexibility. Freedom is a high value for me so I now have that – but it took years to figure out, I’ll admit.

If you could relive your life what advise would you give yourself? I think I did the most critical thing – go with your dreams and desires and worry less about “money”.

What does happiness mean for you? For me I’ve discovered you have to enjoy the present moment. Learning to stop, relax and appreciate the here and now is the critical thing.

Was there a moment of doubt or darkness in your life? If so how did you manage to overcome this negativity? There have been times when I put everything on the line and it didn’t go to plan. That was scary. Staying calm and focusing on possible solutions rather than get frustrated was the key to getting through it for me.

If you could grant yourself one wish, what would it be? To always be present.

What is the most important thing in life? To be and do all that you can. To enjoy each moment as though it’s your last, yet dream as though you’ll live forever.
What advise for life can you give me? Go for your dreams; Take action; Appreciate this moment.
Playing it safe can make you miserable, or at best force you to be less than you can be. So I don’t see a point in that.
Always strive to become better than you are now. You will always surprise yourself what is really possible if you allow yourself to try.

Here you can see Richard, a  seasoned entrepreneur in action.

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