Sunday, 1 March 2015

Ken Graydon, healing practitioner, Australia

Meet Ken. Having helped hundreds of people through his healing practices Ken is someone you can truly learn from. He has also published a book and does healing classes and sessions, with patients ranging from all kinds of issues including inoperable brain-tumor or disabilities, anxieties, self-healing and more. Having lived longer that most of my readers Ken is filled with life experiences and wisdom. I always respect someone who is older than me as I find we can learn from everybody, especially our elders. The knowledge that is being accumulated over the years should always be passed down and not gone to waste with nowadays our elderly being alone in aged care facilities and their knowledge dwindling away. Like Ken says, never make the same mistake twice. This is a wisdom I live by and we all should. It is normal to make mistakes, we all do. But we should learn from them and improve ourselves. You are not a fool to make mistakes, you are a fool if you don't learn from them and keep on repeating them.

What is your name? Ken Graydon

Where do you come from? I was born near London, England.

As a little child, do you remember what was your dream job? I always wanted to be an architect.

What is your profession now? I am currently retired from "work" and am a healing practitioner. 

Are you happy with your work life? I am happy now, doing something I enjoy and can make a difference. 

If you could relive your life what advise would you give yourself? Follow my own dreams.

What does happiness mean for you? Sharing love in practical ways.

Was there a moment of doubt or darkness in your life? If so how did you manage to overcome this negativity? Yes there were several times when there were moments of doubt or darkness. You just have to keep going and  try to at least make different mistakes next time. Never repeat your mistakes. Learn and grow.

If you could grant yourself one wish, what would it be? I would use that one wish to wish for more wishes. 

What is the most important thing in life? Love is the most important thing.

What advise for life can you give me? Understand that you are creating your own reality and only you can change it.

The book Ken had published.

Ken in action in one of his seminars.

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